Youable In The Community
We do a lot at our locations, but we also do a lot throughout the Twin Cities metro. We've partnered with counties, and other service providers in collaboration to bring emotional and mental health services to as many people as possible.
Our Truancy program, Be@School, is a case management program aimed at helping students and families reduce barriers to regular school attendance, with high school graduation as the ultimate goal. To achieve this, we use a holistic treatment model that looks at available resources and the strengths of the family and community to help support the student.
How does it work?
Truancy is often the result of many different factors, so our program is individualized to address the needs of each particular student, family, and school. Our Case managers meet with everyone involved in a student's success. We work with:
● The student to address their needs and support them in their education.
● The family, to strengthen the relationship between parents and schools.
● The parents so they feel supported in working with their child to attend school, and in advocating for their child to the school.
● The school, to help support school staff in getting students engaged.
Our Truancy case managers also work with alternative and charter schools to help find different options for students who are struggling in a mainstream school environment.
Where do the different meetings take place, and how often?
Truancy Case Managers meet with the student in person once per week. Family meetings take place in person once per month. All in-person meetings can take place in the school, in the home, in the community, or at an office at Youable Emotional Health. Truancy Case Managers are encouraged to have weekly contact with families via the phone.
How long does the program last?
It generally lasts for 90 days, but there are some instances when a student's needs are met sooner or later than that.
Our Diversion program is specific to Hennepin County, providing an alternative solution for a crime. The county refers nonviolent juvenile offenders ages 10-17 to us for services that can range from restorative justice programming to diversion groups to outpatient therapy, depending on the needs of the individual.
What happens once someone is referred to you?
Once someone is referred to us and becomes our client, they complete a "diversion contract" -- a plan for making restitution for their crime and how they will achieve good school attendance through our Truancy Case Management program. There are often other requirements dependent on each particular situation. We then monitor each client's progress on their diversion contract and report back to Hennepin County.
How long does the program last?
The length depends on each person's circumstances and progress.
Black Lives Matter
“For many of us, the pain, anger, fear, and trauma provoked by the killing of George Floyd is an everyday part of their lives. For others, there is an opportunity to empathize and awaken to the cancers of racism, dismissiveness, and inequality. We at Youable must live out our antiracist values and empower all people, regardless of identity.” - Pat Dale, Youable CEO.
We believe our liberation is bound up with each other and that we all do better when each of us does better. We are here to listen and support.
To read CEO Pat Dale’s entire message, click the link below.